CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

Reach for unlimited potential. Become a Certified Buyer Agent Expert. 

Stand out in the market as the preferred choice for buyers – learn how to define your unique strengths as a buyer’s agent.  

With this designation:   

Elevate your value proposition and win more Washington buyers.

Master the skills needed to negotiate your commission fees.

Drive buyer confidence with effective, long-standing trust building.

Create an Unbeatable Value Proposition in the post-NAR settlement world that will serve as the foundation for your negotiations with clients and drive collective success. In this course, you’ll learn how to: 

Navigate the changing real estate landscape with clarity.

Succeed in the new era of buyer representation with timely and effective strategies that can be immediately incorporated into your presentation and process.

Build trust and a long-term rapport with your clients.

Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.

Utilize your Unbeatable Value Proposition to build a firm foundation for your commission discussion.


Included in your course

  •  6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.



1 Day – 6 hours

With this designation, you’ll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

Compare RENI CBAE vs Kaplan BAP

RENI is the only brand in North America that offers multiple negotiation courses that lead to true mastery. 
CBAE is taught by expert real estate negotiators who can teach you how to convey your value in buyer representation confidently.

FeaturesRENI CBAEKaplan CBAE
Livestream Format
Additional free (“never pay”) downloadable materials
Designation logo & certificate
Requires post-
course application
and approval
Never expires
Requires renewal
every 2 years

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a self-paced version of the CBAE course?

We do not yet offer a self-paced version of the CBAE course. 

Does CBAE count for real estate continuing education credit? 

CBAE is a professional development course and does not currently count for continuing education credit. 

Do you require renewal fees to maintain an active designation status?

We do not require renewal fees to maintain an active designation. Once you complete the course, you have earned the designation and it does not expire.

What are the class participation and attendance requirements for the livestream class?

We would like you to fully engage in the class and commit to its full length so that you can get the best results. This means keeping your camera on, participating in the conversation and questions, and refraining from leaving and returning, multitasking, or driving. This commitment ensures that you fully experience the value of our designation and the expected outcomes of your achievement while maintaining the integrity and recognition of the RENI designations. The moderator will require Livestream Students to:
– Be on camera and on-screen for 90% of class. Frequent breaks are provided
– Participate in 80% of polls.
– Participate in the Final Exam.