Our goal is to make sure you pass the state real estate exam on your first try! We have everything you need, from prelicense courses to test prep tools. The high quality of our materials takes the guesswork out of studying for the exam, and our excellent service means that we’re only a phone call or email away!
California's Premier Real Estate School
More than 150,000 students
Real Estate Training since 1974
Convenient Online & Livestream Learning
Pass Rate & Our Guarantee
More Rockwell students pass their Washington License exam on their first try than students from any other school!
Most recent data: Q1 2019; pass rate data is supplied by the WA Department of Licensing
Rockwell Pass Rate:
81% National Portion
85% State Portion
All Other Schools:
66.2% National Portion
60.2% State Portion
Our Passing Guarantee
If you took all your prerequisite courses with Rockwell and pass all of the practice exams in our Cram Course with a score of 80% or higher, but fail the state license exam the first time you take it, we’ll refund you the cost of the state exam.
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