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8 Ways to Grow Your Real Estate Business Using Emails

As any real estate agent knows, you must be proactive if you want to grow your client base, win new business, and grow your career. One of the best ways to help with this is to leverage email marketing. It’s an easy tool to reengage with past clients, reach potential new ones, and provide value to your network so that you’ll stay top-of- mind when they want to buy or sell. 

Key Takeaways

  • Build and segment your email list. Start with your existing contacts and past clients and categorize them based on their specific needs (buyers, sellers, investors, etc.) to ensure targeted communication. 
  • Customize your emails by addressing recipients by name and tailoring content to their interests to enhance engagement and maintain personal connections. 
  • Craft eye-catching and relevant subject lines to increase open rates and provide valuable content such as market insights, tips, and exclusive listings to keep readers engaged. 
  • Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly with concise content and easy-to-tap links. Include clear calls to action to guide recipients towards desired actions, such as scheduling a viewing or contacting you. 

Email Marketing Tips

Whether you’re new to email marketing or want to step up your game and maximize the impact of your campaigns, we have a handful of valuable tips. These tips will not only make sure you’re following the rules of outbound marketing but garnering the best possible results, too. 

Read on as we share eight tips to grow your real estate business through email marketing. 

1. Build a high-quality email list.

You can write the best emails in the world, but they won’t help if you’re not reaching the right people. The good news is you probably already have plenty of great people to reach out to – your existing contacts. Start with past clients and people you’ve met at networking events. You can also add leads from your website to this list, too. 

Next, segment your audience. You can group contacts based on whether they’re buyers, sellers, investors, first-time homebuyers, etc. 

2. Personalize your emails.

Now that you have your email lists, you can tailor your messaging based on who you’re sending them to. Your emails mustn’t sound impersonal, or you’ll lose interest fast. Address recipients by their names to solidify the personal connection you already have. Customize content based on your recipients’ preferences and interests, too. 

3. Create compelling subject lines.

Your subject line is the first thing your recipients will see, so it needs to be eye-catching and relevant. Be clear and concise. It needs to accurately reflect the content of the email. 

Experiment with A/B testing to determine which subject lines resonate most with your audience. 

4. Provide valuable content.

Once your email is opened, the content needs to deliver on the promise of the subject line. 

Share educational materials such as tips on buying or selling homes, insights into market trends, and property investment strategies. Offer exclusive listings to give your audience a sneak peek of new properties before they hit the market. Including community news about local events, new businesses, and neighborhood highlights can also keep your audience engaged and informed – meaning they’ll return to open future emails, too. 

And remember – you don’t have to be a writing expert to provide value to your readers. Utilize email templates to help get you started. This real estate starter kit includes an email template, social post creative, and more. 

5. Optimize for mobile devices.

People are typically on the go, so naturally, they’re more likely to read your emails on their phones rather than sitting at a desktop. Remember this when designing your emails – ensure they look great on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Keep your content concise, as mobile users prefer quick reads. Make sure buttons and links are easy to tap, enhancing the user experience. 

6. Use clear Calls to Action (CTAs).

Every email should have a clear and specific call to action. Whether it’s “Schedule a viewing,” “Download the market report,” or “Contact us today,” your CTA should be direct and compelling. 

Strategically place your CTAs within the email to increase the likelihood of clicks. Including CTAs can encourage engagement and provide several opportunities for your readers to take action. 

7. Analyze and adjust your strategy as needed.

In email marketing, data is key. Remember to consistently monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to understand the performance of your email campaigns. Conduct A/B testing with different subject lines, content, and CTAs to see what works best. Analyzing this data gives you valuable feedback from your subscribers on what’s resonating so you can continuously improve your email marketing efforts. 

8. Comply with email marketing laws.

Did you know there are specific laws surrounding the do’s and don’ts of email marketing? Familiarizing yourself with these laws and regulations is crucial to protect your business and email subscribers. Adhere to CAN-SPAM regulations to ensure compliance with permission-based marketing practices and data privacy requirements. Don’t forget to communicate your privacy policies to build trust and transparency. 

Grow Your Real Estate Business with Emails Today

Whether you’re just starting with real estate email marketing or want to take your real estate email campaigns to the next level, these tips can help you find success and grow your business. 

If you need help getting started, sign up for Rockwell Institute’s Real Estate Starter Kit today for an email template and other helpful guides and tools to become a real estate agent and kickstart a successful career.