promote your expertise in real estate

How to Thrive as a Real Estate Broker Post-Settlement: Promote Your Expertise

Since the NAR lawsuit and settlement, the media has focused more on the real estate industry. Unfortunately, the additional press has muddied the waters, and people are more confused than ever about real estate broker compensation, buyer’s agreements, and the need for professional representation. This is a critical time in our profession. You must prove your worth by promoting your expertise.

Here are some ways to promote the profession – and your brand.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate brokers should demonstrate their expertise by creating valuable content like blogs and videos, focusing on current industry topics, such as the NAR lawsuit, and local real estate trends.
  • Hosting local events, partnering with businesses, and engaging in online communities can help brokers build their brand, establish credibility, and foster referrals.
  • Asking for referrals and encouraging satisfied clients to leave positive reviews are essential strategies for building trust and attracting new clients.
  • Using a combination of traditional marketing methods (like print ads and billboards) and digital strategies ensures broader reach and brand visibility in targeted areas.

8 Ways to Promote Your Expertise as a Real Estate Broker

You know the value you offer to both your buyer and seller clients. Here are some ideas on how to demonstrate your worth as a broker.

1. Show your expertise with an effective blog campaign.

Create valuable content optimized for SEO that covers topics that are top-of-mind to buyers and sellers in your area.

Address the elephant in the room—the recent NAR lawsuit—and give a succinct, unbiased account of its background and the settlement’s results. Educate your clients on how compensation works.

Learn how to discuss the recent NAR lawsuit with your clients by downloading this discussion between industry experts.

Cover other interesting topics in your blog – especially those unique to your local community. Don’t forget to pair your blogs with marketing visuals that boost your reputation while showcasing your expertise.

A blog allows you to demonstrate industry expertise, establish credibility with local clients, and help you stay top of mind (and top of a Google search) for clients getting ready to buy or sell.

2. Showcase your personality and expertise with quality videos.

It‘s no secret that video can be a powerful tool for real estate brokers in Washington. Videos with targeted hashtags humanize your business and help you connect emotionally with potential clients. Videos are also a great way to show off your personality, but make sure they also showcase your expertise and competence.

In addition to sharing videos on your social media accounts, you can purchase ads on Instagram or TikTok to precisely target your ideal audience.

3. Host local events to showcase your expertise.

Use your connections and partner with local businesses to host an event in your targeted neighborhood. Building your brand with event attendees and local business owners can help drive more referrals. Give out high-quality swag that doesn’t get thrown away immediately.

4. Ask for referrals.

It’s so simple, but one sure-fire way to prove your expertise is to ask your previous clients to recommend your services to their friends and family. After all, 41% of sellers choose their real estate agent through a referral. If you’re not asking for referrals, you should be.

Consider giving a thank-you gift for any referrals you receive.

5. Ask for reviews and testimonials.

Positive online reviews are gold for real estate brokers. Reviews from satisfied clients are excellent for bolstering your credibility and building trust. If a sale goes well, send an email or text with a link to your Google My Business account or another review website. Utilize those testimonials on your website and social media account.

6. Use old-school marketing tactics.

Traditional media, like print ads and billboards, are very effective when targeting specific geographic locations. Even effective use of snail mail can enable you to showcase your expertise in the local market. Use this strategy in conjunction with digital marketing to increase brand awareness.

7. Engage online.

Maintaining an active, engaging presence online is another way to establish yourself as a trusted advisor and local expert. Participate in local online groups by answering relevant questions related to your expertise. Take care in maintaining a professional presence – don’t argue online!

8. Offer your expertise to other content creators.

Offer to write a guest blog, be interviewed on a local podcast, or comment on someone’s article to reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry. Reach out to local radio or TV stations and consider using Connectively to grow your brand.

Of course, the best way to present yourself as a real estate expert is to have a deep understanding of state-specific real estate laws and regulations and your local Washington real estate market. Turn to Rockwell Institute for real estate license renewal courses in Washington to help your professional development. Our courses address current topics so our students can feel confident in their knowledge and understanding of the real estate industry.

Watch our video, “Do you have what it takes to grow in today’s market?” to learn how to navigate the changes resulting from the NAR settlement.